Nearly 50% of men suffer from some form of facial hair loss. Unlike missing hair on the top of the head, missing hair in the facial area cannot be hidden.
Fortunately for men seeking to stay in fashion, facial hair transplants can help alleviate their hair loss situation.
When patients are seeking beard, mustache and sideburn hair transplant surgery they are generally looking to thicken their existing facial hair or to construct a completely new beard, mustache or sideburns from scratch when they cannot be grown naturally. Beard and mustache hair transplantation in particular have seen an explosion in popularity since around 2014 due to the growing acceptability of strong, thick beards as seen in fashion trends.
The process is simple; it involves one or both types of surgical hair restoration currently available known as FUSS or FUE. Hair is taken from the donor scalp of the patient and transplanted to predetermined areas of the face. The patient is usually given a mild sedative as their face is injected with painkillers and tumescence throughout the day. Once the procedure is completed the patient is free to leave as this, and all hair transplant procedures, are considered to be outpatient surgeries with no need for overnight stay. Beard and facial hair transplant procedures usually require more than one pass to achieve a desired density.
Aside from fashion, facial hair can be used to conceal scars and burns. It can also be used for females wishing to change gender identity.
It is difficult to say how many graphs are required, but typically one can expect 300 for side burns, 700 for a beard, 800 for a goatee and 500 for a mustache.
A more specific assessment can be completed following a consultation.
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Hair Loss Experts provides services to all four provinces that make up Atlantic Canada. For a private, in-home consultation, whether you’re located in Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, it’ll be our pleasure to come to you.