Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplants provide a custom solution to get your natural hair back. Micro-follicular hair transplants offer a safe, permanent and natural solution to deal with hair loss. The donor site is taken from the back and the sides of your head. Since there is an overabundance of permanent hairs in these areas, removal does not impact your look. Sutures will be used to close the donor site. The suture will be hidden under the hair, in the back and on the sides. It is removed 10 days following the procedure. If you have shorter hair, the sutures may be more visible.


FUT is a simple outpatient hair transplant procedure that works by replacing or restoring your lost hair and hairline. This solution is a permanent one and is a one-time session! No hidden scams.

Unlike old-fashioned hair replacement options, such as wigs or plugs, hair transplant surgery is a permanent, natural-looking solution that doesn’t require any ongoing maintenance. And because it takes only a day to complete, you’ll be back to your regular activities in no time.

How does it work?

1. Donor tissue is removed from the “magic strip” which is located between your ears at the back of your head

We then identify the thinning areas (known as the “recipient” areas) that you are interested in restoring and work to personalize a plan to help you achieve the most natural-looking hairline possible.

We then prepare the hair from the back of your head (known as the “donor” area). Unlike many clinics, we take the time to tape up the hair above the strip so that the stitches remain concealed. 

We then administer local anesthesia to numb the donor area so that you’re completely comfortable during the procedure. Our physician removes a strip of tissue in the donor area containing your permanent, lifelong hair follicles.

Once we’ve removed the donor hair, we suture the area and use the surrounding hair to conceal the sutured area. These stitches are removed after 14 days.

2. Preparing the donor hair

Our clinical staff prepares the donor hair for placement by trimming or dissecting the donor strips into their follicle groupings, also known as units. Each unit comprises of one to four hair follicles.

While the units are being prepped for transplantation, you’re free to read, take a nap, watch a movie or relax.

3. Placing the follicular units

Once the follicles are prepared and ready to be transplanted, our physician makes a tiny incision on your scalp for each follicular unit, paying close attention to the location, angle and depth of each unit to ensure natural-looking results and to maximize the density and coverage of the thinning areas.

Based on your custom plan, our hair transplant surgery team places the individual follicular units into the donor recipient sites created by your physician.

4. After the procedure

Our clinical team will give you instructions on how to care for your donor and recipient areas, as well as provide medication for sleep and any discomfort you might have.

Three months after the procedure, new hair will usually begin to regrow. After six months, you should notice significant hair regrowth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some people lose their hair?

Androgenetic alopecia (genetic hair loss) is caused by a combination of genetics and hormones called androgens. It affects both sexes but is usually noticed in men earlier then women. Statistically, by the age of 50, 50 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have noticed some hair loss.

What is a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a process through which the hair follicles or grafts (nature’s building blocks for hairs) are removed from the back and sides of the head by either FUT (follicular unit transplantation) or FUE (follicular unit extraction). These donor grafts are then moved to areas that are thinning or bald, or thinning. Hair transplants are permanent. Our goal is to provide patients with a completely natural solution to restore hair that will last a lifetime.

Does it work?

We remove the grafts from genetically encoded areas of the scalp that is resistant to hair loss. This process provides the only permanent and guaranteed method for replacing hair. Hair transplants are equally successful for both men and women suffering from genetic or patterned hair loss. During the consultation, we will determine if you are a candidate.

95 to 100 percent of all grafts will grow on any given patient. If you’re not a suitable candidate, we will not offer you the procedure.

Am I a candidate?

Most people with androgenetic alopecia and other conditions that cause hair loss can benefit from hair transplantation. Some other conditions do not lend themselves to hair transplantation. This will be determined during your private consultation.

Is the process painful?

The procedure is virtually painless. There is only mild to moderate discomfort during the freezing process. The patient may feel a pin prick sensation for a few minutes. Everybody’s experience may be different.


Day of surgery
  • When you arrive we will complete your registration information
  • There will be some before pictures taken for your file
  • The doctor and team will review your medical information
  • The doctor will consult with you on your optimum hair line and desired outcomes, typically using a grease pencil to ensure there is a clear plan for the “new you”
During the process
  • You will make yourself comfortable! Select a movie and the process begins
  • The doctor will administer a local anesthetic in the donor area
  • We begin by removing the donor strip
  • The doctor will map the transplant area, taking into consideration direction and pattern of the implantation
  • The graphs will then be planted in the recipient site
  • The doctor will review the post-operative instructions with you
  • Our team will provide you a post-operative package as well as all necessary prescription medications


Following the procedure
  • Mild swelling can sometimes occur (may sometimes last up to 7 days)
  • A follow-up call or text will happen, however, you will have 24-hour support for advice or any questions that may occur
  • Daily activities can return to normal after a week or pending the doctor’s approval
  • The stitches will be removed after 14 days

Non-surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Solutions uses Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to stimulate the hair follicles, healing them and helping them to regrow into thick, normal sized hairs. Our FDA Cleared technology offers No Pain, No Drugs, No Surgery, and No Side Effects.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair grows in a continuous cycle. The hair growth cycle consists of four phases: Growth (Anagen), Transition (Catagen), Resting (Telogen), and Shedding (Exogen). The image shown illustrates each of these phases throughout the life of the hair.

At any given time, 10-20% of your hair is in the Catagen or Telogen phase waiting to be shed and replaced by an active Anagen hair (similar to the way a baby tooth is pushed out by a permanent tooth), while up to 90% of your hair is growing. The Growth phase typically lasts 3-6 years in a healthy hair, but if the Growth phase is shortened, hair will enter the other phases to quickly and start to thin.

Hair Loss

The average person loses about 100 hairs per day from the Resting (Telogen) phase. Excessive hair loss occurs when more than 100 hairs per day are lost. For male and female pattern hair loss, this increase in hair loss is typically caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As DHT builds up, the hair follicles being to weaken and it becomes more and more difficult for the body to flush out the DHT quickly.

Eventually, DHT disrupts the normal hair cycle, shortening the Growth stage. This causes the hair follicles to miniaturize and consequently produce the shorter, weaker hair that is characteristic of thinning hair. In the continued presence of DHT, hair follicles may keep shrinking until they no longer produce hair and permanent baldness results.

How It Works

The Science behind Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is simple: Laser Light Heals the Follicle.

Studies show that low level laser therapy is able to:

  • Increase the production of ATP to energize & repair the weakened follicle
  • Increase blood micro-circulation to the follicle
  • Increase the nutrient acquisition by the follicle
  • Increase oxygen uptake and calcium ion mobilization
  • Increase the rate of removal of harmful DHT
  • Decrease follicular inflammation

The increase in cellular activity and removal of harmful DHT allows the follicle to heal and regrow normal, healthy hairs. 

Harvard Study Demonstrates How Lasers Can Grow Hair

Mechanisms of laser-induced hair regrowth

Michael R Hamblin, PhD, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School

Beards & Facial Hair

Beards and facial hair transplants are a growing trend in North America and around the word. 

Nearly 50% of men suffer from some form of facial hair loss. Unlike missing hair on the top of the head, missing hair in the facial area cannot be hidden. Fortunately for men seeking to stay in fashion, facial hair transplants can help alleviate their hair loss situation. 

Aside from fashion, facial hair can be used to conceal scars and burns. It can also be used for females wishing to change gender identity.

It is difficult to say how many graphs are required, but typically one can expect 300 for side burns, 700 for a beard, 800 for a goatee and 500 for a mustache.

A more specific assessment can be completed following a consultation.

Contact us for more information or to book a private consultation!

Hair Loss Experts provides services to all four provinces that make up Atlantic Canada. For a private, in-home consultation, whether you’re located in Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, it’ll be our pleasure to come to you.

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